Hi guys,
I have a couple of questions about the 2111 comps. How bad if at all is the sideblast generated by this comp? How much flash does one get shooting in low light no light with this comp? Just curious as I'm thinking about grabbing one but not if the flash signature or side pressure blast are out of hand.
Ill notify Jason from 2111 to answer that question. He knows his comps very well. He made a sh!t load of prototypes for many years before he perfected it.
For most brakes and comps, the side concussive force is the major drawback. I've refined my design to eliminate that as much as possible. I'd say it's got no more side blast than a standard birdcage.
However, this is specifically not a flash hider (which makes it ok for featureless builds).
I'm planning some day and night-time shoots that will show it's performance fairly soon.
Thanks for the info. I look forward to the vids.